Bridge Smiles Dental Group P.A.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Dental Bonding for Natural-Looking Tooth Restoration

Chips and cracks can diminish a smile. Fortunately, there is a simple solution. Here at Bridge Smiles Dental Group P.A. in Somerville, NJ and Neshanic Station, NJ, we offer dental bonding as a quick and affordable, yet strong and natural-looking restoration option.

Dental bonding is the process of shaping composite resin to fill in cracks, gaps, or misshapen teeth. It can also be used for long-lasting whitening. The resin is chosen in the same shade as your teeth for restorations or a brighter shade for whitening purposes. With good dental care, bonding can last over ten years.

The process of applying bonding first starts with lightly etching the teeth. This is to create a strong bond between your tooth and the resin. Your dentist will then smooth the resin over your tooth and shape it to make the desired improvement. An ultraviolet light is then used to harden the material. Afterwards, the resin may be polished so that it shines like natural tooth material.

Gaps, cracks, misalignments, chips, and discoloration are just some of the issues dental bonding can help fix. To set up your appointment with Bridge Smiles Dental Group P.A., give our Somerville, NJ office a call at (908) 725-0400 or call our Neshanic Station, NJ office at (908) 782-4418. Appointments may also be requested through our website,

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